Friday, 13 January 2017

Weight Loss

Weight loss, what is it all about, why people want to lose weight, how do they do it and do all diets work...

So many doubts and questions when it comes to weight loss. There are also so many people struggling to lose weight, and it is sad that commercial companies and people who just want to make money, play in on this and trick those people who are desperately looking for a good weight loss solution.

Many diets are harmful, very harmful, for your health; however, the companies that provide these "exclusive", "wonder", "life changing"- diets, don't care a bit about it and just keep going with tricking people and playing with their lives.

I have tried a lot of those so called wonder diets, believe me I think I tried them all (as far as possible of course). And, at that time, I was very surprised that it didn't work. I thought I was doing it wrong or that it was just not meant for me and that I wasn't meant to lose weight. It put such a negative stamp on your self-esteem and motivation that I can understand very well that many people go through the same demotivation.

When I started to figure out that those '"wonder" diets are just a pile of bullshit in a wrapper, I started to do some research and study regarding nutritions and diets. I came to the conclusion that those "wonder" diets are mostly just words and the product itself doesn't bring anything good to your life. It cuts out whole nutrition groups, contain only one type nutrition (or none at all). It will only work if you follow that particular product and eat/drink literally nothing else.

The most hilarious, after doing my research, products I came across were like "diet chocolates" or "diet cookies". Yes, dear readers, I tried also these. It does exactly nothing. The diet chocolates you have to take one or two before each meal and it supposed to reduce your appetite. To my opinion that is at all not good. Yes, you want to lose weight but you don't want an eating disorder instead. What those chocolates actually do is not, like they say in the commercial, absorbing the fat of your food, instead they work like a laxative and nothing more. Which is of course very dangerous. When a doctor prescribes a laxative they also say to not continuously take it as it can cause internal bleeding and harm your intestinal bacteria. Who wants to harm that?? Not to mention that those chocolates also taste like the worst thing on earth.

The cookies was something else. You should replace 2 meals with 2 cookies and take only 1 normal meal preferable breakfast or dinner. Those cookies are meant to make you feel full a whole day. NOT!! Oh yes, I tried this as well. It doesn't make you feel full during the whole day, it doesn't even make you feel full after the "cookie meal". Yet again, also the cookies are made only of one nutrition mostly which are protein. Yes, protein are good for you but not if you only take protein.

One promising "wonder" diet are the meal-replacers. I'm repeating myself over and over again, but yes also this I tried. Basically every brand of meal replacer is the same, you don't eat normal meals anymore you take a meal of the diet. Depending from which to which brand you take the replacers of, with some you are allowed to add green vegetables and others not, with some you are allowed to take one normal meal with others you have to take only the meal replacers also snacks, etc. To be honest this worked, at the start. Like any other "miracle" diet, also this consist more of protein than any other nutrition. All those "specialists" say that carbs are like demons. Not correct. Yes taking too many carbs is not good as it will transform in to sugars if you take too much, but everyone needs a certain amount of good, unprocessed carbs. So, yes it works. It let me lose all my weight (about 10kg) in just 3-4 month, which is extreme and it gave me such a boost. But then, then the horror began. Your body has been consuming these pre-packed, processed foods for a long time and then you want to start going on a normal meal again as you have reached your goal. Then it all starts. Your body is not used to have fresh food anymore thus it can't digest it, you will start gaining weight again easily. If not then another negative point about this kind of diet is, that you have to do this diet every month for 1 week and keep replacing one meal, if you want to maintain your weight. So technically you will always be on a diet.

Making a big story short, don't go with those so called "miracle" diets. Instead, change your lifestyle and eating habits. With life style I don't mean directly to say that you have to change your job or stop your hobbies. No, just change your eating habits and your activity level.

So far any person I've consulted with my thoughts about diets and my lifestyle, are very enthusiastic and when they try it they see and keep seeing the difference. It is not always easy to change your lifestyle but if you try even half of it you can see and feel the difference.

You can check here to read more about my views and how to contain a healthy lifestyle, whether it be for losing weight or just maintaining it. I've made it in pdf so that you can easily download it and read it whenever you have the time.

Have fun living your life in a healthy way and comment your doubts/thoughts and/or ideas!

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