Thursday, 12 January 2017


I'm not good at push-ups so I rather not do them. It is not a good example but when I don't feel good with an exercise and can't perform it correctly then I don't do it. I want the technique to be optimal and if this is not the case then the exercise will also not have the effect it has.

My husband on the other-hand is good it and thus it is better to see  and learn from him then learning from me in a wrong way.

In general I think push-ups are more of a men than women thing. Don't get me wrong many women can perform push-ups even better than men and sometimes men also can't perform it. But in general, when you're more a rookie or starter, men are better at it. However, that is no excuse to not try to do them. Always try before you say no I can't.

Regularly push-ups or dips are done as a warm-up, thus before you start your workout session. My husband does it as well as a warm up rather than a counting exercise.

He mostly does a total of one hundred dips, which are split up in sets of 50, 25, 25.

Yet again, do as many as you are able to and don't overestimate it. It is important to put concentration to it as much as you concentrate for any other exercise. If you want to do 4 sets of 25 then this is also perfectly fine. You want to do 80 in total and not 100? No problem. You have to listen to your own abilities and strengths, it is not a shame that you can't perform 100 dips. It depends from person to person and even from day to day.

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