Troubles finding motivation for doing your workout? Yes, me too sometimes.
After a full day of working and the daily tasks, your energy is completely... gone...
It's normal but it should not hold you from achieving your goal.
You don't like going to the gym? Who said you need to be a hardcore gym freak?
You don't like running? Who said you have to become the next world record holder of the marathon?
The best motivation for doing your workout... Do something that YOU like and not what another likes.
I like to go to the gym but that doesn't mean that everyone has to like it. Find a workout that suits you.
You like to learn boxing? Join a boxing club.
You like to cycle race? Join a cycling club.
You like to dance? Join a dancing school.
You have to like your workout nobody else. As long as your workout drives your heart rate up to a 180bpm, it's a perfect work out.
Tip: with dancing you burn a lot of calories, more than running for 30min, and you develop all your muscles as you workout with all your body parts.
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